Custom Soccer Field Stencils--Keeping up with Football

Over the years we have received more requests for the manufacture of custom field stencils replicating logos for painting on soccer fields. The soccer programs may not have had the history or booster club support as football in the past. But in some school systems there is a trend where high school soccer programs are becoming just as important to school spirit as the historic football programs. This is translating into the upgrade to playing field and the areas surrounding the field with visual effects such as painted logos.

As school systems continue to search for revenue to support their programs, many schools are allowing advertising to be placed on the field or on the sidelines of the playing field. Booster clubs are looking for multiple revenue streams to help with fund raising. We are seeing more volunteers helping with field marking operations with the use of aerosol and bulk latex paints (easy to clean up) that are non toxic to the environment and the equipment becoming simpler to operate and maintain.

A recent request called for two logos, one for boys and another for the girls team along with school lettering. These stencils were painted on the home field side of the field straddling the center line.

“Thanks, everyone has raved about how good the field looks. We have had a great reaction to them and the players really like them which is why we wanted to purchase them. It was hard to get a good photo of the entire thing because it is so wide.”

SALADO Lettering, 4' x 25’, SOCCER Lettering, 4' x 25’6”

Boys Soccer logo, 6’9” x 8'

Girls Soccer logo, 5’9” x 8'

Check out an earlier post on professional field marking tips and tricks.Send us a email with a good quality image and we'll provide a size and price quote for a flexible custom stencil. Please let us know where on the field you plan to paint the logo.  Check out some the images of our other custom field stencil painted logos.

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