How Many Cans of Spray Paint to Line a Field?

We get this question on many occasions throughout the year depending on the sport involved. There is some variability in our assumptions yet we tend to following these guide lines when comparing different painting options.

A typical 18-20 ounce aerosol can of spray paint is going to produce a 2” to 4” wide line that is between 200 to 300 linear feet depending on how fast you walk and whether you make a second pass. For example 100 square feet of paint coverage translates into 300 linear feet for a 4 inch line.

Using a more conservative figure of 200 linear feet for line coverage here are some examples for soccer, football, and lacrosse.
Now for costs we’ll use $60/12 can case of aerosol paint or $5/can.

For bulk latex you’ll achieve approximately 300 linear feet per diluted gallon of field marking paint. So for example if we used a $60/5-gallon pail that is diluted 2 gallons of water to 1 gallon of paint (2:1) to produce 15 gallons of diluted paint for a cost of $4/diluted gallon.

We’ll use the larger field measurements and the conservative paint usage for comparison purposes:


Bulk Latex

# of CanCost# of galCost
Soccer 19$ 8512$ 50
Football 38$ 19024$ 95
Lacrosse 11$ 557$ 30

Visit our website for all the latest field marking paint solutions, whether for natural or synthetic turf.

Using these comparisons and the number of fields and the number of times an organization lines their fields help justify the investment in bulk latex field marking equipment. Besides saving on supply costs the user will produce better quality lines that will hold up longer and apply the lines in less total time even when including mixing and clean-up.

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